Generally, there are differences in the level of embedded systems between 8-bit microcontrollers and ARM. ARM is suitable for advanced products with greater system complexity, such as PDAs, mobile phones and other applications. The 8-bit single-chip microcomputer is suitable for general industrial control, consumer appliances, etc. due to its simple structure and relatively few hardware resources.

For a beginner in software programming of single-chip microcomputer, 8-bit single-chip microcomputers such as HOLTEK series or 8051 should be used for introductory exercises. Beginners should have relevant knowledge of software programming. The general software programming of single-chip microcomputers is mainly based on assembly language, and each has its own syntax, but most of them are based on RISC single-chip microcomputer architecture, of which RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) represents the single-chip microcomputer. All instructions. They are all composed of some simple instructions, and the simple instructions represent that the circuit of the single-chip microcomputer can be optimized as much as possible, and the execution rate can be improved.

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