Tor (The Onion Router) is an implementation of the second-generation onion routing (onion rouTIng). Users can communicate anonymously on the Internet through Tor. It is called Onion because its structure is the same as onion. You can see its appearance, and to see the core, you have to peel it off layer by layer. The project was originally sponsored by the US Naval Research Laboratory. After several years of development, the Navy announced that it would no longer sponsor Tor's research, but the project was not stranded and the Tor official website continues to operate. Based on the excellent encryption features of this technology, BCH users can also use this technology to add privacy to their transactions by downloading the Tor client.

How Tor works

When the Bitcoin network was launched, Satoshi Nakamoto did not use protocol anonymity, which means that the network is not private and anyone can download the complete blockchain ledger to view every transaction. However, Bitcoin is also pseudo-anonymous, because users can add some privacy protocols to the Bitcoin network or use some privacy tools to obfuscate transactions, as is the case with Tor. The Tor protocol is a large overlay network consisting of thousands of nodes with hidden addresses. If you use the Tor network to send BCH, although the Tor protocol cannot hide the transaction path for you, it can increase encrypted Internet traffic through network routing. In this way, it is more difficult for investigators to determine the IP address and detailed geographic location.

How to use Tor encryption

You can download software suitable for your host from Tor's official website ( Tor currently supports Windows, Mac and GNU/Linux versions, with a memory size of about 64MB, and you can get the download link directly from the website server. After downloading, the Tor program can be run directly after installation. In addition to downloading to the host, the program can also be installed on a USB flash drive. Tor has its own web browser, which can be used to protect anonymity during normal surfing.

BCH full node operators can also hide the source of their transactions through the Tor network. After downloading the ABC client or other clients, run the Tor proxy on the client port 9150, you can use the full node to send and receive BCH anonymously.

Analysis of Tor encryption method and working principle

In order to use Tor browser with BCH full node client, the Toe SOCK proxy host must be exactly the same. The operation method is: find the advanced network settings in the Tor browser tool options, make sure its configuration is set to 9150, set After finishing the Tor browser, adjust the ABC or other client's network to the same 9150 (generally you can find it in the client's user interface).

The use of Tor with VPN and Tumble

Due to the public nature of the blockchain ledger, the Tor protocol cannot hide the original BCH address and transfer destination. Users who want to completely encrypt also need VPN and Tumble. VPN and Tor have the same role, which can improve the investigator’s ability to determine IP. Difficulty, Tumble can confuse the sender and receiver of a BCH transaction, and the combination of the three will greatly increase the privacy of the transaction.

Some BCH encryption tools under development

Bitcoin. com and Electron Cash wallets have previously stated that they are developing their own encryption tools. The difference is that the former did not indicate which technology will be used, but the latter revealed that the Cash Shuffle plug-in will be incorporated into the wallet to obfuscate transaction information. Improve encryption. In addition to infrastructure providers, there are also some good encryption schemes in the BCH community, such as the BCH mixing website Coinmix, which provides a special BCH mixing service. You can send the coins that need to be sent anonymously to the Coinmix wallet. The wallet will Mix your BCH into public funds, and then you choose to send it. This process cannot be tracked.

It is not only criminals who need to encrypt transaction addresses to avoid tracking and investigation. Ordinary people also need it. Everyone has the right to protect the security of their assets and freely dispose of their own wealth. The developers of BCH are working hard to make this One step simplified.

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