For startups, the biggest bottleneck in the development of artificial intelligence is data. Most of the data is in the hands of giants. Does this mean that startups have no chance of winning? Before the birth of the blockchain, the answer was yes. But after the birth of the blockchain, startups have the opportunity to obtain valuable data through the data trading market, through the token incentive system, and through cryptoeconomics, so as to achieve a win-win situation for users and startups. The combination of blockchain and artificial intelligence has just begun, but the future will inspire many innovations, and finally open a new path to artificial intelligence for startups.

Sam. Altman recently stated that we are entering the era of technology giants. These companies have huge databases and strong network effects, and they will only get stronger. Google and Facebook now have approximately 70% of Internet advertising revenue and are still growing, while others’ revenues are shrinking.

This has a major impact on the development of artificial intelligence technology. The performance of artificial intelligence is related to the data they feed, and can only achieve a corresponding level. Although the technology giants have open sourced their algorithms like Google and Facebook, they still haven't opened up most of their data.

In contrast, blockchain represents open data. Even if some blockchain-based data will be encrypted and privatized, most of the data still needs to be open.

In order to create an open agreement that can coordinate resources and achieve common goals, resources need to be understood by participants, and many data on the Internet need to be made public to facilitate dissemination and use. For example: creating a decentralized Uber requires a relatively transparent data set that contains driver and user data and can coordinate the network.

The network effects, economic incentives and data that surround these open systems are far more powerful than existing centralized companies, because they are open source standards, anyone can build on them, just like people use TCP/IP Internet protocols such as, HTML, and SMTP are used to build applications, and the scale they have achieved is much larger than any company built on them.

Bitcoin is an early example: it has grown from scratch to become the world's largest computing network-10,000 times larger than the sum of the top 500 supercomputers in the world, and it only took a few years. And oracle systems like Augur will inject more data-a peculiar way for people all over the world to report real information about the real world to the blockchain in a trusted way.

These open data have the potential to commoditize data islands. Most technology companies such as Google, Facebook, Uber, LinkedIn and Amazon build on these data islands and extract rents from them. This is a good thing for society: it encourages the creation of a more open and connected world. It provides an open data layer for artificial intelligence training.

This is important to the development of artificial intelligence for three reasons:

It promotes innovation more quickly and openly by creating a global data buffet for anyone who wants to create artificial intelligence;

It provides us with better opportunities to create safe artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence trained on public data may be more neutral and credible, rather than being affected by the bias of the interests of the companies that create and train them;

Because blockchain allows us to clearly plan incentive structures, they can make artificial intelligence incentives more transparent.

Simply put, artificial intelligence is driven by three factors: tools, computing power, and training data. OpenAI is doing important work by releasing tools to enhance the public development of artificial intelligence. The computing power is mainly produced by NVIDIA and Intel, and the cost is more expensive, but it can be purchased publicly. By providing a large amount of public training data, the blockchain may be the key final component.

So when you commoditize the data layer, what will happen to the business model of computing power?

1) Create blockchain protocols and their own Token;

2) The use of artificial intelligence technology in the open and global data layer of the blockchain.

This combination will create a lot of value at the economic and social level. You can imagine that the market inspired by tokens can create the best artificial intelligence. At this intersection, more projects will be created. If this is what you are doing, I will be happy to communicate with you.

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