Waterma, once a glorious one, is now shaky in the wind! Following the news that Waterma’s parent company, Jianruiwo Energy, broke the funding chain at the end of last year, it has defaulted on the payment of suppliers and the capital cannot be turned around and continued to ferment. Therefore, Waterma had to issue an announcement to suspend work for half a year from July.

Waterma, who hasn't heard anything in the past two months, has not been peaceful recently. On August 26, the fire incident of an electric bus in Tongling, Anhui once again led to the battery safety problem of Waterma...

Electric bus in Tongling catches fire, Waterma’s battery safety has attracted much attention

The bus tunnel suddenly caught fire, and the safety of electric buses in Tongling attracts attention

On the evening of the 26th, a bus suddenly could not move in the Wusong Tunnel in Tongling, Anhui. The driver immediately cut off the power to evacuate the passengers. A few minutes later, the vehicle began to emit heavy smoke. Later, the automatic fire extinguishing device was activated to extinguish the fire. Accompanied by crackling and open flames. Subsequently, the relevant person in charge of the public transportation company and the fire department rushed to the scene to do the relevant disposal work as soon as possible. No secondary disaster occurred, the bus was not damaged, only the battery was partially damaged.

According to the official investigation results of the accident announced by Tongling City at 14:00 on August 28th, such failures were manifested by short-term visible flames and large amounts of smoke, and there was no other loss. The relevant person in charge of the Tongling Public Transport Corporation also said that the above phenomenon is one of the common faults of electric vehicles at present, and the company has contacted the manufacturer to do follow-up work.

Although the accident did not cause casualties because the driver cut off the power supply in time and quickly evacuated the crowd, the electric bus caught fire for no reason, which made the public concerned about the safety of new energy vehicles. Although the spontaneous combustion of electric buses is currently one of the common faults of electric vehicles, this is not a common problem that can be used to prevaricate the past. The public believes that pure electric buses with energy saving and emission reduction are the future development direction. New energy vehicles cannot be denied due to an accident. However, these issues related to life safety cannot be ignored!

Electric bus in Tongling catches fire, Waterma’s battery safety has attracted much attention

The incident was not accidental, leading to the Waterma battery problem

According to the investigation announcement issued by the Tongling Municipal People's Government website, after the incident that night, the bus was towed to the second bus stop and security plant for inspection and it was initially judged that the battery was faulty. The bus company immediately notified the person in charge of the bus manufacturer and battery manufacturer to hold a product accident analysis meeting. According to the judgment, the specific cause of the vehicle fire was due to battery failure, battery fluid leakage, acid gas generation, and excessive pressure in the battery compartment, which is safe The valve cannot be opened in time, causing the battery compartment to burst and produce a short-term open flame. The automatic fire extinguishing in the compartment is opened, and a large amount of dry powder pressure is pushed to the high-temperature battery compartment, producing short-term explosion sound and a large amount of smoke.

however. As the fuse of the accident, the source of the fire battery has attracted the attention of all parties! As an important way to undertake people's daily travel, the safe operation of electric buses is the first condition! The operating companies and depots have unshirkable responsibilities.

According to the news, the 38 bus that caught fire this time was a pure electric bus produced by Ankai Bus. Netizens believe that the spontaneous combustion of the electric bus and almost caused an explosion accident does not mean that a common failure of the vehicle can shirk responsibility. The reporter verified this.

It is understood that most of the electric buses in Tongling, Anhui are manufactured by Ankai Bus Co., Ltd., and the batteries for the pure electric buses produced by Ankai Bus are indeed provided by Waterma.

In 2013, the Waterma Innovation Alliance, which was established under the leadership of Waterma, was established, gathering a group of new energy automobile companies to join the Innovation Alliance. Covers the upstream raw materials, core components, energy storage, equipment manufacturing, vehicle manufacturing, and operating platforms associated with new energy vehicles in the entire industrial chain of new energy vehicles, including Ankai Bus!

According to the official website of the Tongling Municipal People’s Government, the 38 bus that caught fire was indeed a pure electric bus. According to the 2017 survey data provided by OFweek Industrial Research Institute and the traffic force insurance data of the Ministry of Transport, the reporter found that the buses used in Tongling City, Anhui Province are indeed manufactured by Ankai Automobile Co., Ltd., and Ankai Automobile’s new energy vehicles are currently divided into plug-in Hybrid electric buses and pure electric city buses. The batteries for hybrid electric vehicles are provided by CITIC Meguli, while the pure electric vehicles use Waterma batteries!

Electric bus accidents happen frequently, and the safety of power batteries cannot be ignored

Investigations by local government departments found that at present, the number of pure electric buses in Tongling, Anhui is 220, accounting for 34% of the total number of buses in the city. It is not the first time that pure electric buses have accidents.

Since 2018, on March 26, a No. 38 Wan G13601 car bound for the local Laozhou Town drove to Lucai Gangheng on Jinshan East Road. The battery pack in the car emitted heavy smoke and the vehicle was unable to drive. The instrument panel showed a first-level fault; on June 20, when the Wan G15636 bus was charged at the Linjiang Avenue Bus Second Detention Plant, the battery pack in the car emitted thick smoke; on July 27, the Wan G13850 bus was in Cuihu At the traffic lights at the road and Lixin intersection, thick smoke came out of the battery pack in the car, accompanied by a battery popping sound, and the instrument panel showed a first-level fault...

The manifestations of such failures are short-term visible flames and large amounts of smoke spilling. Up to now, although no other dangers have occurred in such accidents across the country, most vehicles need to be replaced except for the damage to the battery compartment, and there is no other loss for the time being. However, pure electric buses have successively had accidents within a few months, and the safety issues of electric vehicles cannot be ignored!

In this regard, the relevant person of the city’s public transportation group also stated that the pure electric buses that have failed this year are all from the 100 buses that were licensed at the end of December last year. At present, after the accident, the city’s public transportation company has requested two The manufacturer immediately investigated and tested the 100 pure electric vehicles, and came up with a feasible plan, and strived to complete the rectification work of 100 vehicles in early September to ensure people's safety in the car.

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Nowadays, Waterma has hung in the wind, dismissing most of its employees, and only maintaining a very small amount of production capacity. The once members of the Waterma Battery Alliance are still operating, and the vehicles they supply are still in use... The installed Waterma battery is like a time bomb, which affects the safe operation of city buses all the time. .

Perhaps, only 100 of the many problem products were brought out by the accidental vehicle, and how many such vehicles are there in the country? It is worth thinking about!

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